Sunday 23 February 2014

Cheap Macro

If one is not flush with funds to spend on a macro lens (which may or may not get a whole lotta love - sorry Bob and Jim), and you are interested in doing a few macro shots on the cheap - then Extension Tubes are what you need. This inexpensive equipment is readily available on the internet for as little as $10 to $20. Brand name tubes are also available, but as with anything photographic - you will be paying for the name. However, brand name extension tubes are more compatible with the camera.

Three different sized extension tubes

Extension Tubes attach between your camera body and the lens. Sadly, control of aperture and auto focus is forfeited. In order to set an aperture that you prefer, depress the depth of field button as you remove the lens from the camera. The fellow in this video has some good ideas for photographing macro using Extension Tubes -
In order to actually focus - you must physically move your camera, or if the object you are photographing is portable, move the object until it becomes focused. Use of a tripod is handy here!

Camera moved into focus

Pencil moved into focus

How could you utilise macro photography? I'm thinking some pretty wild abstract stuff! Not only the standard bugs and plant life - how about pencils, soap bubbles, oil & water, shells to name but a few.